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Breaking New Ground in Weight Loss with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide: An Insider Perspective from Rivas Medical Weight Loss

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Breaking New Ground in Weight Loss with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

Every day, countless articles focus on the newest weight loss medications: Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. Most of these articles repeat the same basic facts. But as a healthcare provider who has helped thousands more patients than the clinical trials that led to the approval of these drugs, I’m excited to share a unique viewpoint from the frontlines.

While these drugs are groundbreaking, many people can reach their weight loss goals with minimal guidance, using advice from their Primary Care Provider (PCP) or from their own research online. However, a significant number of people need more extensive support –  the kind we at Rivas Medical Weight Loss specialize in providing.

Sometimes, people start their weight loss journey using these medications with their primary care doctor, an online service or a different clinic, only to find they’re not seeing the progress they expected. That’s when they might turn to us for help. We gladly take on these patients, continuing their dosing regimen and offering the extra support they need to reach their goals.

Our clinic’s approach is grounded in rigorous research. We understand how crucial accountability is to successful weight loss. This concept isn’t new — it’s the foundation of products such as Weight Watchers — but we’ve taken it to the next level with our comprehensive program. We offer weekly visits, creating a level of accountability that’s rarely seen in medical weight management. These visits aren’t just for weighing in. We closely track your progress and adjust medication doses based on your personal experiences with side effects and appetite control. This thorough approach has allowed us to help patients lose a remarkable 15-to-20 percent of their body weight in just 12-to-24 weeks, far outdoing the results of clinical trials.

It’s important to note that we’re not saying the drugs alone are what yield such results. The real success comes from combining these medications with the Rivas Medical Weight Loss system. This includes weekly meetings with healthcare providers and an emphasis on promoting lifestyle changes, an approach that has consistently delivered results that surpass clinical studies.

However, this kind of patient-centered approach is beyond what most primary care doctors or endocrinologists can offer. Their business models don’t allow for regular weekly patient meetings, mainly because of insurance limitations. At Rivas Medical Weight Loss, we’ve taken a different approach, focusing on what’s truly best for the patient.

Our patient-focused strategy has earned us a stunning collection of 1,400-plus 5-star Google reviews and many more referrals. In just the past three years, we’ve opened four new offices to meet growing demand. We currently operate nine physical locations and are on the brink of launching a comprehensive hybrid telehealth program.

Welcome to Rivas Medical Weight Loss, where we are revolutionizing the weight loss journey one patient at a time.

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